Smart Strategies for Successful Living offers free online learning resources that provide a thought-provoking and innovative look at how to promote quality aging for all. Its unique community-based website and newsletter are designed to provide a venue for people to exchange ideas on how to understand, embrace, and enhance their aging process. It includes articles and shared tips by community members and professionals on a variety of enjoyable and relevant subjects that focus on the personal growth and development of men and women of all ages.
Location of website:
Target Audience:
As an internet source, people throughout the world readily have access to our website and newsletters. However, our readers tend to be adults worldwide with an interest in living and aging well. To attract viewers, we strive to optimize our search engine by using a variety of different approaches and techniques. You can find us on LinkedIn, Twitter, FaceBook, Instagram, and Pinterest.
Our website is on WordPress. While we can upload pictures, videos, tables, and documents, there are some limitations with our format and flexibility to post articles. Because we are a no-profit learning resource, we also have some funding constraints.
Scheduled Updates:
The content of our website is regularly updated. In addition to the website, spotlight articles will be distributed via our bimonthly newsletters to our global community.
Website Content:
The website consists of the following areas of interest: Lifestyle, Health & Wellness, Healthy Eating, Brain Health, Caregiving, Heart & Soul, Financial Fitness, Parenting/Grandparenting, and Tech Help. These areas of interest may be augmented in our ongoing efforts to respond to the demands of our audience and industry trends.
Use of Social Media:
To maximize the viewing of our website, we are consistently sending out information via Facebook, X, Instagram, Linkedin, Pinterest, and our community newsletters.
As a Guest Writer for our Website: Writing article posts for Smart Strategies for Successful Living should be both fun and rewarding. Your creativity to inspire and ability to provide meaningful content can and will encourage our readers to explore new ways to improve the quality of their lives. While there is a distinct style to writing online, you will find that well-crafted articles will attract readers and build an audience of followers over time. Due to fierce online competition, establishing name recognition and popularity is a process that takes patience and commitment.
The following guidelines will provide you with a general overview on how to effectively write content for our website.
As a side note, it is important to recognize that we are not blogging in its true sense with the diary style writings on specific topics of 500 words or less. We are providing our readers with concrete, professional articles that are designed to increase their awareness and provide tangible success strategies to promote better living.
What are the ingredients for an effective article post?
(1) Understand your target audience and focus your articles in a way that will spark their interest. Use a humanistic approach that will motivate them to learn.
(2) Be cognizant that online readers tend to have a short attention span and will be less likely to tolerate a long and convoluted article than one that is short and on target. Maintain one central theme or subject when writing your article.
(3) Limit your article post to between 500 and 1200 words. Break up your articles with subheadings, introductory questions, and bullet points. Make it convenient for people to read your article in an online context.
(4) Create a title or heading for your article that is congruent with its content. Draw your audience to your article with a creative and unique title or heading. This is especially important if you want to maximize viewing of your article via internet searches.
(5) As you craft your article, hook your readers with your introduction and quality of content. Always include at least a couple of strategies for improvement that will motivate your readers to reconsider their approach to healthy living.
(6) Engage your audience by using questions to reflect on the key points of your article. Encourage them to be active and not passive readers.
(7) With your subject matter expertise, maintain a level of professionalism as you write your articles. Use correct spelling and grammar.
(8) Be respectful of intellectual property and copyright issues. Avoid using other people’s sources without first asking permissions and/or citing them as the primary source.
For your consideration:
To increase the views on our website and its SEO, we are encouraging our guest writers to add several backlinks that lead to relevant articles on our website. The goal is to maximize the views of the exceptional content now on our website, including yours, without compromising the quality of the host article. Your support in our efforts would be greatly appreciated.
How should you submit your completed article?
(1) To submit your article, make sure that it is in a finalized form and ready for posting. In most cases, there will be little to no editing upon receiving your article.
(2) Cite your name, title, credentials, and/or any other pertinent information as the closure to your article. While we promote an advertisement-free website, you are invited to refer your readers to your personal and/or professional website or to your contact information, including your email address and telephone.
(3) If your article has been posted on a different venue, please give us the name and link to the original positing site.
(4) Save your article as a word document. When you are ready, upload and submit your Word Document as an attachment to this email address:
(5) Make your article clean and easy to read. We recommend that you submit your article in Times Roman or Ariel in a font size of 12.
(6) Please note the date by which you want to have your article published. We will do our best to accommodate your request.
There is no obligation to write for us. It should be done as a labor of love and because it is something that is inspirational to you.