How to become a Guest Writer
We are always looking for creative and inspirational articles on happiness, health, better living, caregiving, financial fitness, parenting/grandparenting, and more. If you want to become one of our guest writers, please contact us via email at:
You are encouraged to write and submit articles on your own time. Don’t sweat if you can only contribute a post once or even from time to time. There is no obligation…just our appreciation for your contribution.
What are the benefits?
In addition to being a rewarding way to help others, you can also promote who you are and your profession/contact information in the article credits. Since our article posts include no advertisement or venue for profit, we are all volunteers. Our mission is simple… to educate our global community on ways to embrace a happier, healthier lifestyle.
How to submit your article?
Write on your own time schedule. When you are ready, upload and submit your Word Document as an attachment to this email address: Once your article has been reviewed and approved, we will take it from there to successfully post it onto the website. Throughout the process, we will give you updates on the status on your article.
Your article may be exclusive to us or something that has already been posted on a different site. To delineate between the two, please give us the original site of any previously published posts.
Our Writing Guidelines
For guidelines on how to write effective posts for us: CLICK HERE.
Important: Smart Strategies for Successful Living reserves the right to make modifications to your article post content to align with its website format and standard.
For Additional Information
If you are interested in learning more about how to become a guest writer, please contact us via email at:
Thank you very much!
Patricia K. Flanigan, Executive Director, Smart Strategies for Successful Living